Saturday 30 April 2011

im shoooo happy, not because the certain people who i want in my life are back in my life .not because i discovered how much everyone loves me in college ,not even because my burrdaayy is coming soon.but becausee i feel like myself today!
i all of sudden feel all hyper and positive!! so hyper i could have vodka and chocolates all night.
the happy music i have been catching up on is really helping me from not getting grumpy and whiny about how things never really go my way .

btw you guys ought to check out this guysam tsui !! : D
some awesome music that cuteface and his friends play !

sending some love tonight. :)

Friday 8 April 2011


yeaaaaa,its been some crazy months for me in college ,and the result ,i was just too lazy to scratch anything out here :P 
i dont  know ,i just dont knoww,,how people could hate me so much.
i mean im a typical teen,with my own mood swings and my own opinions but im not one of those mean tacky stuck ups,that some people have a misconception about.
i hav never been hated before,atleast not under my knowledge,and here i hear some guy in my college hates me for shizzz! .i mean it makes me laugh and annoys me at the same time,you knowww whyyyyy!? ,coz i really liked that guy now,,and because i was'nt into him ,when he had a crush on me months back,he hates me now.
how could he?!

Wednesday 1 September 2010 flavour.lollipops : Q

when im bored which i most of the time am, i flick through my kiddo pics and often wonder why the hell do we have to growwwww up.....
needless to say i miss being a superkid , playing superspy ,i miss the smell of crayons,i miss the happiness of staring at my lil house,with lil happy people with lil birdies and hugeee mango trees DRAWING which at that time was just so cool ,and then i miss the doublehappiness of getting a double star for my cute tiny lil talented hands. i miss peeing in my pants and gladly smiling for god knows what. : ) ,i miss the best job that i had back then=just playing around and eating and sleepingg yay!, i miss complaning to the teacher for my cute partner's silliness,i miss the joy of hugging my toys everyonce in a while with the fear of losing them, i miss hiding behind mom's nighty and tugging at it,and then she flashing her million dollar smile at me lifting me up and kissing me : )))) and i most of all  miss being content with all that! 

so today since im all nostalgic,i went out and bought myself lollipops and im gonna sit and watch cartoons the whole day with my cuteass turtles <yes i have one of the many beautiful pets> and not complain about a thing and give my mom a tight hug and keep smiling like i have no clue what a college pressure means,and what the hell a future should consist of ...lalalalaallaaal 

and now you can get back to your not less boring life ; P 
teehhee <3 

Monday 30 August 2010


for those of you,whose lunch go down the tummy's of other's rather than your's ,i just made things alil easier for you ! : P  ...check out the link below!

Sunday 29 August 2010

old is gold

welcome to my blogspot!

not minutes ago did my mom tell me about how important it is to give much of our quality time to those wise brats who not only gave our folks their smallest wish but also made us a lot more compassionate with their bedtime stories ,and here im talking about none other than our very own grandparents! 

i'm taken back in time to those memories i have made with them whether it was me teaching my granddad to do sudoko or watching my grandmom cook excitedly in the kitchen,or getting a few chills down my back while hearing granddad narrate ghost tales or even capturing some of it all on my new camera. i now realize how much of their efforts of so many years they must be counting on,to live the life they are living now! . i now start to see the twinkle in their eye just to see us grow and inculcate the values they injected in our parents who in turn did their best to pass it on to us. it is always nice to sit and ask them about their childhood and their ways of dealing with things. 

from what i hear,their calm and composed approach to the many uneasy circumstances that they might have faced in their young days always leave me intrigued and give me yet another reason to look to up to them. 
..................and the even more cooler thing ,your grandparents will eventually take your side even if their kids a.k.a your parents dont. ;p .they still have'nt lost their funny sides of making fun of mom and dad .

although its been almost everyear now that i go visit them,i'm still looking forward to have lots more laughs and learn lots more things in my future visits...

love you ajja ,mamama and bapma 
P.S my other ajja wherever you are,we all still love you. and i often dreamt of you wearing jeans and smiling your oldy teeth at me ..